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ASMI Terms & Conditions

ASMI Industry Media Library Terms & Conditions

Updated 9/5/2024

By downloading ASMI image and video assets, you hereby acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions for use of the ASMI assets as set forth below. These terms and conditions of use constitute a legal agreement between you and ASMI.

(Use of the ASMI logo on your company’s print and digital materials, including but not limited to packaging and marketing materials, requires separate permission gained by contacting ASMI directly.)

Rights and Usage:

  • ASMI assets may include, but are not limited to, photographs, videos, and artwork depicting Alaska’s natural beauty, Alaska fisheries, Alaska seafood, and dishes prepared with Alaska seafood. All ASMI assets you currently have or obtain in the future are subject to these terms and conditions.
  • ASMI assets may be used only in conjunction with the promotion or sale of fish or seafood that originated in Alaskan waters. Eligible species include Alaska salmon, halibut, cod, Alaska pollock, sole/flounder, sablefish (black cod), rockfish, herring, crab (King, Snow or Dungeness), scallops, shrimp, oysters, roe (salmon, pollock, cod or herring), and surimi seafood. Proof of Alaskan origin must be shown promptly upon request.
  • ASMI assets may be used only in connection with Alaska seafood or prepared foods in which Alaska seafood is the predominant ingredient and in connection with food products for human consumption.

Modifications and Resizing:

  • ASMI assets may be resized as necessary for permitted uses, but shall not be modified in any other way without ASMI’s prior written consent. ASMI does not consent to the alteration of assets using artificial intelligence tools, filters, or similar technologies.

Photo Credits:

  • ASMI may require photo credits for all uses of ASMI assets. Photo credits shall read: “Photo Courtesy of Alaska Seafood.”

Further Guidelines and Review:

  • The use of ASMI assets is subject to further guidelines that ASMI may issue from time to time. Upon request by ASMI, you will allow ASMI to review and approve in advance all uses of ASMI assets on packaging and marketing materials (such as advertisements, collateral materials, POS materials, and video footage).


Intellectual Property:

  • All photos, images, videos, and assets are the property and copyright of ASMI. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights and trademarks, in ASMI assets remain the sole property of ASMI. You acknowledge that ASMI assets are protected under applicable copyright laws. No ownership or proprietary rights in the assets are transferred to you under these terms.

Prohibited Uses:

  • Use of photo, image, video, or other assets shall not be used to show or imply ASMI endorsement of any commercial or personal product or enterprise, or to indicate that ASMI concurs with the opinions expressed in, or confirms the accuracy of, any statement or text used in association with the assets.

License Terms:

  • Permission to use ASMI assets as set forth above is a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license, and will renew at the beginning of each calendar year unless revoked. ASMI will notify you if, in its sole discretion, it does not renew your permission to use ASMI assets.
  • Failure to comply with any of the terms of this policy may result in the termination of a users’ license to access ASMI assets in the media library.
  • ASMI reserves the right to remove any images, videos, or other assets from its library at any time. If it does so, you may be advised to phase out all use of such assets.


Compliance and Liability:

  • You hereby warrant to ASMI that any products you identify or associate with any ASMI assets fully comply with all applicable state, federal, local, and international laws and regulations governing the production, promotion, distribution, and sale of such products. You will indemnify, hold harmless, and defend ASMI from and against any claim of, or liability for error, omission, negligent act, or any other third-party claims arising out of or related in any way to the production, promotion, distribution, sale, or use of your products.

Data Protection and Accessibility:

  • Users are responsible for ensuring that ASMI assets are used in accessible formats in compliance with applicable accessibility laws, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Additionally, you must comply with all applicable data protection and privacy regulations, including but not limited to GDPR, when using digital assets for promotional purposes.

Governing Law and Venue:

  • The exclusive venue for any action between you and ASMI with respect to the ASMI assets is the state courts of Alaska.
  • These Terms and Conditions will supersede and replace any prior Terms and Conditions between ASMI and you regarding the use of the ASMI assets.
  • By downloading and using ASMI Assets, you confirm your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

Alaska Seafood Press Assets Library Terms & Conditions for Media and Press Usage

Updated 11/6/2024

By downloading and using the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) images and videos provided in the Alaska Seafood Press Assets media library, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Rights and Usage:

  • ASMI grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, and revocable license to use the provided images, videos, and other visual assets (the “ASMI Assets”) for media and press purposes, without charge.
  • These ASMI Assets may be used freely by media outlets and press organizations solely for editorial purposes, news coverage, or other content that promotes or discusses Alaska Seafood and its associated fisheries.
  • The use of ASMI Assets is permitted in both print and digital media, including newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs, and social media platforms.
  • ASMI Assets may be resized or cropped for editorial purposes but shall not be altered, manipulated, or used in a misleading or inappropriate manner.

Ownership and Attribution:

  • All ASMI Assets remain the property and copyright of ASMI. You acknowledge that ASMI Assets are protected under applicable copyright laws.
  • Photo or video credits must accompany all uses of ASMI Assets where applicable. The credit should read: *”Photo Courtesy of Alaska Seafood.”*
  • ASMI reserves the right to revoke permission to use its Assets at any time. Upon notification, you agree to cease use of and phase out any ASMI Assets.

Prohibited Uses:

  • Use of ASMI Assets shall not be used to show or imply ASMI endorsement of any commercial or personal product or enterprise, or to indicate that ASMI concurs with the opinions expressed in, or confirms the accuracy of, any statement or text used in association with the assets.
  • The use of ASMI Assets is prohibited in any context that could harm or misrepresent the Alaska Seafood brand, including but not limited to illegal, defamatory, or offensive content.


  • You agree to indemnify and hold harmless ASMI from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising out of the misuse of ASMI Assets.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that any use of the ASMI Assets complies with all applicable laws, including copyright and intellectual property laws.


  • ASMI reserves the right to update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. You will be notified of any changes, and continued use of ASMI Assets constitutes acceptance of the updated terms.
  • These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement regarding the use of ASMI Assets and supersede any previous agreements.
  • The exclusive venue for any dispute arising from these Terms and Conditions is the state court of Alaska.

For any questions or clarifications, or to request access to the main Alaska Seafood Media Library, please contact ASMI directly.

By downloading and using ASMI Assets, you confirm your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

ASMI Commercial Fishing Photo Contest Submission Terms & Conditions

ASMI User-Generated Content Terms of Use

Updated December 6, 2021

These User-Generated Content Terms of Use (“Terms”) apply to ASMI’s use and/or distribution of content that users upload or provide to ASMI.  If you do not agree to these Terms, do not upload or provide anything to ASMI.  By uploading or providing images, text, designs, illustrations, music, lyrics, photographs, videos, or any other material (collectively, “Content”) to ASMI, you promise that: (a) you are not a minor; (b) all parts of the Content are original and were created by you; (c) the Content was not copied or taken in whole or in part from anyone; (d) any people recognizably appearing in the Content, including yourself, are at least 18 years old, and that you have permission from those people to photograph, record, or film them; (e) the Content does not infringe anyone’s copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, trade secret, moral, right of publicity, privacy, or any other right; (f) the Content is not confidential, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, abusive, indecent, threatening, harassing, hateful, offensive, or otherwise unlawful; and (g) when you uploaded the Content, you owned all right, title, and interest in and to it.

When you upload Content to ASMI or reply #YesAlaskaSeafood to a direct message that ASMI sends you on social media, you grant ASMI and its employees, affiliates, licensees, sublicensees, and vendors (collectively, “ASMI”), an irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, no-cost, and worldwide license to host, use, publish, broadcast, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of the Content, in whole or in part, in any manner or medium now or hereafter known or devised, including on the Internet and in all languages.  You also give ASMI permission to use your name, username, nickname, likeness, pseudonym, rights of publicity, voice, live or recorded performance, autograph, photographs, and biographical information included in the Content that you upload, and that of all other people included in such Content, in any manner, in ASMI’s sole discretion.  These rights include, but are not limited to, using, publishing the Content for commercial purposes, and using the Content in advertising and promoting ASMI’s goods and services, without any notice, approval, compensation, or any other obligation to you.

ASMI has no obligation to make any use of the rights that you have granted.  ASMI may choose to use, use and stop using, reuse, or not to use the Content or your name and/or likeness at any time.  ASMI’s use of the Content or your name and/or likeness does not imply any endorsement or affiliation with you.  You hereby waive any right to inspect or approve any use of the Content or your name and/or likeness by ASMI.

When you upload content to ASMI or reply #YesAlaskaSeafood to a direct message that ASMI sends you on social media, you fully release, discharge, and agree to hold ASMI and any person acting on its behalf harmless from any liability related in any way to ASMI’s use of the Content and your name and/or likeness.

These Terms are governed by the laws of the State of Alaska, excluding conflict of laws rules.  You hereby agree that any dispute arising out of or in any way connected with these Terms will be decided exclusively by the state and federal courts located in Juneau, Alaska, to which you consent to personal jurisdiction.  If any court of competent jurisdiction decides that any provision of the Terms is invalid or unenforceable, then that provision will be removed without affecting the remainder of the Terms, which will continue to be valid and enforceable.


ASMI reserves the right to modify these Terms, at any time, without prior notice.

Have questions about Alaska seafood or looking to get in touch? Drop us a line!

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