Development of a method to produce freeze-dried cubes from 3 Pacific salmon species
Freeze-dried boneless skinless cubes of pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka), and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon were prepared and physical properties evaluated. To minimize freeze-drying time, the kinetics of dehydration and processing yields were investigated. The physical characteristics of the final product including bulk density, shrinkage, hardness, color, and rehydration kinetics were determined. Results showed that freeze-dried salmon cubes from each of the 3 Pacific salmon species can be produced with a moisture content of less that 10% and a(w) less 0.4 and freeze-drying time of 9 h. Processing yields ranged from 26% to 28.4%, depending on fish species. Shrinkage was less than 12% and rehydration of freeze-dried cubes was rapid. The value-added products developed have the potential to be utilized as ingredients for ready-to-eat soups, as snack food, salad topping, and baby finger-food.
Publication: Journal of Food Science, Volume 75, Issue 5